English improving applications that should be used in an english class.

Nowadays it is important for teachers to make use of the most recent technologies that they use during clases instead of prohibiting the students from using them in the classroom (FluentFlix 2019), because the use of cellphone applications is very popular and it is exciting for students to use cellphone applications like these in the classroom because they get to use a series of english improving applications that offer entertainment and they also have the utility of being educative for students so it is for the best for the teachers to let students make use of these english pronunciation improving applications. (FluentFlix, 2019).

A great application to start improving the english pronunciation of the students is ABA english, which is an application that gives the students the tools to improve their english pronunciation because the app provides the students clips from their favorite movies and series (Ana, G. 2019) so while they have fun by looking at something that they already like, they start to know the correct pronunciation of the english words used in the same clip provided by the app, so students that are beggining to improve their pronunciation can have fun while they learn ways to improve their english pronunciation, making it the best option to start making use of an applicatiopn in which the students practice their english on a regular basis.

The next application that students will make use of is an already very popular app called Duolingo, with this app, students can periodically improve their english pronunciation because the app gives the students incentives to never stop their learning and improving of the english pronunciation by receiving varios prizes in the app by constantly practicing their pronunciation (Pyrrhia, 2015). On top of that, the app is way more efficient than the pc version because the lessons are faster and the pc does not give prizes to the students, and after the students have been practicing teir english pronunciation, it is time for them to try out something more complex.

The last application that the students will use is the application Say It, which is an application that could be suited for advanced students because the application presents thousands of audio files of natural english speakers and also pairs the users of the application with native english speakers so they actually compare their english with a natural speaker, and in case that a students does not want to speak in real time to another person in the application, they still can use the audio files provided by the same application until they feel secure enough about their pronunciation so they talk to a person that has the english language as his mother tongue(Oxford University, 2018).

Teachers should not scold students for making use of the applications during an english class, instead, the teachers should think of a good way to implement these application for their own english classes, because this way students can make use of a technology that they already know such as an application from their cellphone and teachers also benfit themselves by making a class that better suits the recent situation of the english students, helping them to find a way to incorporate something that they are already familiar with like the cellphone applications while adding the main idea of the class of the english teachers, such as the students that have to improve their english pronunciation.


Pyrrhia. (2015). Advantages of the Duolingo app. Retrieved from: https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/6969093/Advantages-of-the-Duolingo-App

Catalina, G. (2019). ABA English. Redefining english learning. Retrieved from: https://learn.abaenglish.com/es/aba-english/?matchtype=e&network=Google&campaign_id=1480357125&adgroup_id=60014326929&keyword=aba english app&placement=&ad_id=329019752545&campaign=1480357125&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI9f-Cheic5AIVE4bICh3W0Q_HEAAYASAAEgKDovD_BwE

Teaching the /r/–/l/ Discrimination to Japanese Adults: Behavioral and Neural Aspects. James L. McClelland, Julie A. Fiez and Bruce D. McCandliss in Physiology & Behavior, Vol. 77, Nos. 4–5, pages 657–662; December 2002. Retrieved from: https://oupeltglobalblog.com/tag/say-it-app/

Syon, D. (2019). Best apps for ESL teachers. 2019 Fluentflix Limited. Retrieved from: https://www.fluentu.com/blog/educator-english/best-apps-for-esl-teachers/

Ray, D. (2019). Host a pronunciation party! 13 Android english pronunciation apps to invite to your device. 2019 Fluentflix Limited. Retrieved from: https://www.fluentu.com/blog/english/android-english-pronunciation-apps/