**Teachers Using E-Dictionaries to Improve Students´ Writing Skill**

We all know dictionaries, but have you ever heard of the electronic dictionaries (e-dictionaries) and their uses?. Students who own an e-dictionary have more confidence that those who have not (Tang, 1997). Teachers do not know that the use of e-dictionaries can be helpful in their classes in a lot of aspects. Students need to be familiarized with the use of e-dictionaries, so they start to acquire all the benefits this brings. English language teachers use electronic dictionaries to help students in class by learning new words and help students reach autonomy.

English language students reach autonomy when they work with what they can do on their own. Everyone learns a language differently, giving to your students the correct and they use them by themselves, it gives them more autonomy (Tono, 2004). E-dictionaries is a tool that students use to acquire autonomy in the classroom. Teachers should encourage their students to learn on their own and in the best way for them. Most English language teachers support the idea that the use of e-dictionaries provides students with enough knowledge to increase their autonomy (Dashtestani, 2013). The Teacher is responsible for creating autonomous students that they can learn entirely on their own. Autonomous learning has to become a normal habit in the classroom.

Students´ reaching autonomy is students' and teachers' responsibilities. E-dictionaries turn the course of the class into something completely student-centered (Huiwei, 2012). Using e-dictionaries in the class helps the teacher to create a class focused on students. Even though the teacher plays an essential role in the class, students have to be aware that they are the only responsible ones for their learning process. Another point of the use of dictionaries is students´ getting new knowledge, for example, vocabulary.

Learning new words can turn out to be more efficient for students if they use electronic dictionaries. In class, when students needed to know the meaning of a word, they are asked to try to learn it from the context but if they still have problems with the words, they use their e-dictionaries (Navidinia, Bidaki, & Hekmati, 2016). Acquiring new vocabulary is scary for beginners because the meaning, sound, and writing of the words are different from their mother tongue but if they are familiarized with the use of any type of e-dictionaries, it proves to be easier for them. English language students use e-dictionaries most of all, during reading comprehension exercises (Tang, 1997). When talking about the use of e-dictionaries, there could be a lot of benefits, if students know the meaning of all the words they obtain the main idea of a complete text.

English language teachers should be aware of the benefits of using of e-dictionaries and all the things they can do with it. First, teachers have the obligation, that when students are working with new words, they need a tool that answers all their questions as fast as possible, so they can continue with the activity they are doing at that time. Second, using e-dictionaries helps students reach an autonomous style of learning because they are able to answer their questions. Also, they find the fastest way to learn, and it will provide them with their learning style. The purpose of e-dictionaries is to encourage students to use new tools to learn, new words, and other language skills, from the hand of this, students will be ready to work by their own, at all time, new tools like e-dictionaries are use by the teacher especially with beginners to make the learning process simpler for them.


Dashtestani, R. (2013). EFL teachers’ and students’ perspectives on the use of electronic dictionaries for learning Engish. *CALL-EJ,*14(2), 51-65. Retrieved from: http://www.callej.org/journal/14-2/Dashtestani_2013.pdf

Huiwei, C. (2012). E-learning and English teaching. IERI Proceida, 2, 841-846. Retrieved from: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2212667812001888

Navidinia, H., Bidaki, M., & Hekmati, N. (2016). Incorporating E-learning in teaching English language to medical students: Exploring its potential contributions. Medical Journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran, 30,(462). Retrieved from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5419236/#R25

Tang, G. (1997). Pocket electronic dictionaries for Second Language Learning: Help of hindrance. TESL Canada Journal, 15(1), 39-57.Retrieved from: https://doi.org/10.18806/tesl.v15i1.691m

Tono, Y. (2004). Research on the use of electronic dictionaries for Language Learning: Methodological considerations. Campoy Cubillo, MC & Safont Jordá, P. (Eds.), Computer-mediated Lexicography in the Foreign Language Learning Context, 13-27. Retrieved from: https://books.google.com.mx/books?hl=es&lr=&id=0v-0GoaOAsAC&oi=fnd&pg=PA13&dq=use+of+e-dictionaries+in+English+language+teaching&ots=dTPcx3GKkz&sig=PEKNd9c0BhhhUzGVPvItOgloIMc&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=use of e-dictionaries in English language teaching&f=false

third topic sentence: e-dictionaries can help a teacher to introduce e-learning to students ( maybe divide into the first two sentences and only use to ideas)

second topic sentence: students can reach certain point of autonomy when they work with what they can do by their own.

first topic sentence : learning new words can turn to be more efficient for students if they use electronic dictionaries.

thesis statement; English language teachers can use electronic dictionaries in class by learning new words, help students reach autonomy, and introduce e-learning to students.

@Benjamin L. Stewart hi teacher, i have change my third topic sentence , in mi research matrix and in my skeleton outline , can you please give it another check , thanks